Why Deck Wood is an ideal wood flooring for your balcony

A balcony is indeed a rare luxury to find in most of the homes of the overcrowded cityscapes. But, if you do have it, you may want to make the most of it to relax and unwind.
Indeed, what better place to have first sip of morning tea with the fresh soft breeze blowing in your face. Or in the evening, when you want to be by yourself and spend some time contemplating or planning for the next day post work.
Since balcony is a highly personal space, different people have different ideas in terms of its design and usability. A balcony for some may be like a mini-library or a kitchen garden or a dedicated space for wellness exercises, meditation and yoga or may be WFH workstation.
Whatever your ultimate use, most of the balconies have these – plants, open space for recreation, space for some storage, some basic furniture like chair, table and may be swings too. Keeping these end uses in mind; we recommend Deck Wood to be the most suitable wood flooring for your balcony.

And well, here’s why:
1.Deck Wood is an all-weather wood flooring:
With uncertain climatic conditions in the current times, one needs a wood flooring that is not only strong and sturdy but can also withstand the weather vagaries.
Whether it is Mumbai’s heavy monsoons, Delhi’s frosty winters, Chennai’s love- hate relationship with summers and rains or any other city or town where you need an all-weather wood flooring, Deck Wood is the way to go!
Deck Wood doesn’t expand and contract with seasonal changes. Humidity, temperature changes and water run-off does not impact Deck Wood, the way it would affect other wood flooring.
Your balcony, therefore stays safe and usable across the year thanks to Deck Wood!

2. Suitable for increased wear and tear:
Do you run behind your children just to make sure that your kids don’t end up scratching and staining your expensive flooring?
With Deck Wood, you or your nanny no longer have to be troubled by it! Resistant to higher wear and tear, children could play with toys, paints and their favourite kitchen sets without any mental fuss on your part!
Since the balcony is a space that is used by everyone in the family frequently at different times in the day, Deck Wood becomes ideal in that sense.

3. Highly durable and low maintenance:
Deck Wood requires zero to minimal maintenance and is highly durable. This provides a good value for money and in fact saves on maintenance cost too!
A simple vacuum, sweep or semi-dry mopping is enough. One doesn’t have to put too much pains in bringing a hundred different washing and cleaning solutions to get rid of stain and spills.

4. High appeal factor:
Deck Wood looks fantastic not only on the floor but also on the ceiling and walls. Depending on the interior décor, you could use it the way you want to in terms of its gliding. This wood flooring not only comes in select few colors and polishes but patterns too, including herring bone!
Given Deck Wood’s high resistance, all weather-friendly feature, high aesthetical appeal, long durability, low maintenance and a huge range of choices in colour and pattern – we recommend this for your balcony!
If home is where the heart is, then balcony is where the soul is!
We welcome you at Contents Unlimited to browse through our high-quality exquisite collection of wood flooring and experience the uniqueness of Deck Wood. Just so that, you get to bring some real soulfulness to where the soul of your homes is!