The French love story of Art Deco and why the world has come to admire it too!

When World War I ended, all of Europe went through the Great Depression. However, the French kept their zeal alive! In 1925, they decided to put contemporary art into the spotlight and celebrate it in all of its forms. They exhibited this art at the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, held in Paris in 1925, which later came to be known as Art Deco.

Art Deco took the world by storm to become one of the first truly international styles. It is one of the most popular designs that left its mark everywhere from graphic, furniture, product, jewellery, textile, car, interior design, as well as architecture and other decorative arts. 

What sets Art Deco apart?

The love and admiration for the design qualities of machine-made objects! Abstract geometric patterns, the motif of the sunrise, lots of triangular shapes, zigzag details, symmetrical designs, repetitive patterns, floral elements, and vivid golden colours are all characteristic of the typical Art Deco design. Though they look contradictory, together they form a cohesive visual which looks rich and vividly beautiful. Have a look here!

Photo Courtesy: Kevin Chinchilla on Unsplash

This picture of Chrysler Building in New York exemplifies the Art Deco design on its façade. The arch and triangular designs within give it a geometrical symphony to the building.

But what made the love of Art Deco spread far and wide?

The ability to adapt it! Go ahead, grab a snippet of Art Deco’s assimilation into the Bumbaiya style!

Bombay Deco, a climate-responsive adaptation of Art deco architecture, is considered to be the world’s second-largest application of Art Deco design after Miami.

Rich merchants and entrepreneurs contributed to its rise by bringing in Art Deco from their travels in Europe and further west. It was India’s first step into modern architecture and that is how Art Deco became an integral part of Mumbai’s growth story in the 1930s.

Hermine Villa is a fine example of the bungalow typology in Art Deco style, found especially in Bandra and its neighbourhoods. You can find most Art Deco buildings in South Mumbai, notably on Marine Drive and on the western flank of Oval Maidan. There are more than 600 art deco buildings in Mumbai. Noor Mahal in Matunga, Krisha Kunj in Dadar, and Liberty Cinema in Marine Lines are some of the most stunning examples.

Art Deco in Interior Design

This design movement mainly started with furniture and interiors in the late 19th century. Nowadays, a lot of designers often combine the elements of Art Deco with other styles, to create more delicate-looking interiors.

Art Deco in interior design is not significantly different from Art Deco in architecture. 

Geometric patterns, symmetry, hard angles, the use of steel, and golden hues can be added to the home decor to make it look enchanting. If you want to create a memorable impression of your house, you can also use Art Deco chandeliers in your dining room. They provide a certain glam effect that’s a throwback to the nineties. 

The beauty of this style is that you can also incorporate art decor elements such as angular armchairs, French-style coffee tables, or rectangular mirrors with any other architectural design.

That lasting sense of beauty

Says Frank Gehry, a globally renowned name in the field of architecture, “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” Now, would you have any doubt about the timelessness of Art Deco?

Contents Unlimited believes strongly in acknowledging and celebrating such works of artistic expressions which surpass the limitations of geography, time and cultural settings. 

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